lundi 23 mai 2022

SpGEMM in CUDA 11.4

I copied an example here and did SpGEMM which works fine with CUDA 11.1. However, when I switch to 11.4, I get run time errors such as

` 3: ** On entry to cusparseCsrSetPointers() parameter number 2 (csrRowOffsets) had an illegal value: NULL pointer

3: ** On entry to cusparseCreateCsr() parameter number 5 (csrRowOffsets) had an illegal value: NULL pointer

3: ** On entry to cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation() parameter number 5 (matA) had an illegal value: NULL pointer

3: ** On entry to cusparseSpGEMM_compute() parameter number 5 (matA) had an illegal value: NULL pointer

3: ** On entry to cusparseCsrSetPointers() parameter number 2 (csrRowOffsets) had an illegal value: NULL pointer

3: ** On entry to cusparseSpGEMM_copy() parameter number 5 (matA) had an illegal value: NULL pointer`

How would the official example here change in CUDA 11.4?

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