jeudi 26 mai 2022

Why can an array of char be a template parameter but a const char* can't

I'm trying to pass a literal string as a template parameter in a C++14 project. Google told me that I can do as below:

struct Test {
    static const char teststr[];

    template<const char* str>
    void p() {std::cout << str;}

const char Test::teststr[] = "Hello world!";

int main() {
    Test t;

It did work.

However, if I use const char*, instead of const char []. It won't work.

struct Test {
    static const char* teststr;

    template<const char* str>
    void p() {std::cout << str;}

const char* Test::teststr = "Hello world!";

int main() {
    Test t;

Now it doesn't work. The compiler told me that 'Test::teststr' is not a valid template argument because 'Test::teststr' is a variable, not the address of a variable.

Well, I don't know what it meant.

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