mercredi 4 mai 2022

Question about some specific differences between new T() and new T in C++11 and afterwards

Attention please: you may think this post is a duplicate to this old post. But the said post was more than 12 years ago and none of the answers mentions the C++11 and afterwards.

And what's more, my question is about the comment of the answer which has most votes and my question is about the detailed code snippet below.

As per the comment of this answer, which says that[emphasise mine]:

With C++11 you can do this in stack too; B obj{}; will make the object value-initialized (to 0s) as opposed to B obj; which will be default-initialized (garbage).

But it seems that there is no difference between them for this code snippet. Tips: Pay attention to the outputs of the said code snippet.

new Line() is default-initialized but it's not garbage indeed.

Here is the aforementioned code snippet:

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<typename T>
struct Point {
    T x;
    T y;

struct Line{
    Point<double> head;
    Point<double> tail;
    double *demo;
    int color;
    //std::string comment;

template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Point<T>& point) 
    os << "(" << point.x <<"," << point.y <<")";
    return os;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Line& line) 
    os << "head: " <<  line.head << std::endl;
    os << "head: " <<  line.tail << std::endl;
    os << "demo="  << static_cast<void*>(line.demo) << std::endl;
    os << "color="  << line.color << std::endl;
    //os << "string=" << line.comment << std::endl;
    return os;

int main()
    auto ptr2lineWithBracket = new Line();
    std::cout << *ptr2lineWithBracket;

    std::cout << "==================" << std::endl;
    auto ptr2lineWithout = new Line;
    std::cout << *ptr2lineWithout;

Here is the output:

head: (0,0)
head: (0,0)
head: (0,0)
head: (0,0)

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