mardi 3 février 2015

Allocator Aware Container and propagate_on_container_swap

The std::allocator_traits template defines a few constants, like propagate_on_container_copy/move_assign to let other containers know whether they should copy the allocator of a second container during a copy or move operation.

We also have propagate_on_container_swap, which specifies whether the allocator should be copied during a swap operation.

Is it really necessary for an Allocator Aware container to check for allocator_traits<A>::propagate_on_container_swap in Container::swap()? Usually, I implement swap as follows:

Container::swap(Container& other)
Container tmp(std::move(other));
other = std::move(*this);
*this = std::move(tmp);

In other words, I simply implement swap in terms of move assignment. Since the move assignment operation already has to deal with allocator awareness (by checking propagate_on_container_move_assign), is it okay to implement Container::swap() like this, instead of writing a totally different swap function which explicitly checks for propagate_on_container_swap?

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