dimanche 1 février 2015

Using the same Boost.Asio io_service for accepting tcp connections synchronously and as a thread pool

Is the following method of using io_service for accepting tcp connections and also as a thread pool for serving connected clients valid, or is there some caveat?

io_service svc;
io_service::work work(svc);

// define the three threads in the io_service thread pool
thread t1( [&svc]() { svc.run(); } );
thread t2( [&svc]() { svc.run(); } );
thread t3( [&svc]() { svc.run(); } );

endpoint ep(ip::tcp::v4(), port);
acceptor acceptor(svc, ep);

while (true) {
shared_ptr<socket> sock(new socket(svc));

// post a task to the io_service
svc.post( [sock]() { /* do stuff on sock here */ });


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