mercredi 25 mars 2015

template looping through tuple

I'm playing with variadic templates and I'm currently trying to implement operator<< for tuple.

I've tried the following code but it doesn't compile (GCC 4.9 with -std=c++11).

template<int I, typename ... Tlist>
void print(ostream& s, tuple<Tlist...>& t)
s << get<I>(t) << ", ";
if(I < sizeof...(Tlist)){
template<typename ... Tlist>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, tuple<Tlist...> t)
return s;

The error message is very cryptic and long, but it basically says that there is no matching function call for get. Can someone explain to me why? Thanks.

EDIT: Here is the template instantiation I'm using

auto t = make_tuple(5,6,true,"aaa");
cout << t << endl;

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