lundi 27 avril 2015

Visual Studio regex_iterator Bug?

I'm on Visual Studio 2013 and I'm seeing what I think is a bug, I was hoping someone could confirm?

string foo{ "A\nB\rC\n\r" };
vector<string> bar;

for (sregex_iterator i(foo.cbegin(), foo.cend(), regex("(.*)[\n\r]{1,2}")); i != sregex_iterator(); ++i){

This code hits a Debug Assertion in the Visual Studio regex library:

regex_iterator orphaned

If I define the regex outside the for-loop it's fine:

string foo{ "A\nB\rC\n\r" };
vector<string> bar;
regex bug("(.*)[\n\r]{1,2}");

for (sregex_iterator i(foo.cbegin(), foo.cend(), bug); i != sregex_iterator(); ++i){

Alternatively this works fine in a transform as shown in this question:

string foo{ "A\nB\rC\n\r" };
vector<string> bar;

// This puts {"A", "B", "C"} into bar
transform(sregex_iterator(foo.cbegin(), foo.cend(), regex("(.*)[\n\r]{1,2}")), sregex_iterator(), back_inserter(bar), [](const smatch& i){ return i[1].str(); });

Can someone confirm this is a bug?

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