jeudi 2 avril 2015

What is this format of text encoding ? Are there any build in methods to deal with it in c++?

Deal, I mean to for example to convert to a proper std::wstring with all letters in human readable format.


Al elmaya ta\305\237 atan \303\247ok olur.
Al elmaya taş atan çok olur.

Za\305\274\303\263\305\202\304\207 g\304\231\305\233l\304\205 ja\305\272\305\204.
Zażółć gęślą jaźń.

\320\221\320\265\320\264\320\260 \320\275\320\270\320\272\320\276\320\263\320\264\320\260 \320\275\320\265 \320\277\321\200\320\270\321\205\320\276\320\264\320\270\321\202 \320\276\320\264\320\275\320\260.
Беда никогда не приходит одна.

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