I am working on a project, which includes a static single instantiation. The purpose is to create a binary or ISO file image, which enables users to transfer files into the image block size.
Here is the source code.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const long UNIQUENAMELIMIT = 100000;
class CueSheetSingle
CueSheetSingle(const CueSheetSingle&);
const CueSheetSingle& operator=(const CueSheetSingle&);
string BinFile;
bool more(ifstream& is, int& n)
if (is >> n) return true;
else return false;
bool copy(ofstream& os, ifstream& is, int& n)
os << " " << n;
return more(is, n);
static CueSheetSingle& GetInstance()
static CueSheetSingle OnlyOneName;
return OnlyOneName;
void SetAnotherFile(string BinaryFile)
BinFile = BinaryFile;
string GetAnotherFile()
return BinFile;
int main()
for (long j = 0; j < UNIQUENAMELIMIT; j++)
buff[j] = j;
ofstream os("bdata.bin", ios::binary);
os.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buff), UNIQUENAMELIMIT*sizeof(long));
ifstream is("bdata.bin", ios::binary);
is.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buff), UNIQUENAMELIMIT*sizeof(long));
for (long j = 0; j < UNIQUENAMELIMIT; j++)
if (buff[j] != j)
cerr << "Data is incorrect\n"; return 1;
cout << "Data is correct\n";
CueSheetSingle& OnlyName = CueSheetSingle::GetInstance();
cout << "The name of the protected cue sheet is ";
cout << CueSheetSingle::GetInstance().GetAnotherFile();
return 0;
I do hope that a good number of forum users should figure this one out. With plenty of teamwork from any of you, there should be a solution for this source code.
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