samedi 28 novembre 2015

MSVC2013 and variadic template methods with std::thread compilation error

I have a threads manager class with the folloing methods:

template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
void create_thread (_Fn&& fun, _Args&&... args)
    std::thread t (std::mem_fn(&MyClass::threads_entry<_Fn, _Args...>),
                    this, fun, args...);

template <class _Fn, class... _Args>
void threads_entry (_Fn&& fun, _Args&&... args)
  fun (std::forward <_Args>(args)...);

In another class I'm trying to use it. This class has the following members:

void make_sure_thread_created ()
    m_threads.create_thread (

void thread_tasks ()

I get compilation error (MS VC2013):

error: C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments

It points to this line of code:

fun (std::forward <_Args>(args)...);

Am I doing something wrong? Or is it the compiler bug? What can be done here?...

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