mercredi 2 décembre 2015

boost ipc: named_condition doesn't wake thread up

notify_one in "client" code doesn't wake "server" wait up.

  1. open shared memory segment, created by "server",
  2. find the object there
  3. and fill this up with a data

for sync used: mutex and condition variable.

this piece of code is a "client"

namespace bi = boost::interprocess;

try {
    bi::managed_shared_memory segment(bi::open_only, shm_name.c_str());
    bi::named_mutex mutex{bi::open_only, shm_name.c_str()};
    bi::named_condition cond(bi::open_only, shm_name.c_str());

    std::pair<unsigned char*, bi::managed_shared_memory::size_type> res
            = segment.find<unsigned char> (std::to_string(segment_name).c_str());
    if(res.second != chunk_size)
        throw std::range_error("wrong shared block size");
    state = data_segment_state::file_name_only;
    size = file_name.size();

        bi::scoped_lock<bi::named_mutex> lock { mutex };
        std::memcpy(res.first, &state, sizeof(data_segment_state));
        std::memcpy(res.first + sizeof(data_segment_state), &size, sizeof(size));
        std::memcpy(res.first + sizeof(data_segment_state) + sizeof(size),
            file_name.c_str(), file_name.size());
//... continue the sharing other parts of the data
catch (bi::interprocess_exception& ex) {
    LOG(ERROR) << ex.what();

"server" piece of code (mutex and condition variable is a class members in server):

 while(!done) {
        bi::scoped_lock<bi::named_mutex> lock {mutex};

        condition.wait(lock, [this]{
            data_segment_state dss = *reinterpret_cast<data_segment_state*>(data.get());
            return dss != data_segment_state::no_data;

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