mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Is std::type_index safe across DLLs

Let's say that I have a main DLL where there's a class like this:

class Test

    typedef std::unordered_map< std::type_index, int > Map;

    template < typename T > void SetValue(int val)
        SetValue(std::type_index(typeid(T)), val);

    template < typename T > int GetValue()
        return GetValue(std::type_index(typeid(T)));


    // Defined in .cpp file
    void SetValue(const std::type_index & idx, int val)
        m_Map[idx] = val;

    // Defined in .cpp file
    int GetValue(const std::type_index & idx)
        Map::const_iterator itr = m_Map.find(idx);

        if (itr != m_Map.cend())
            return itr->second;

        return 0;


    Map m_Map;

And I share an instance of that class through several DLLs. And in one of the DLLs I set some values like this:

template < typename T > struct Dummy


void InitFunc(Test * t)
    t->SetValue< Dummy<int> >(32);
    t->SetValue< Dummy<char> >(10);
    t->SetValue< Dummy<float> >(27);

And in another DLL I attempt to get those values using the same Dummy type. Would I get those same values or 0?

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