mardi 1 décembre 2015

Storing meta-attributes of a struct (number of members, their names, types, offsets)

I have code that calls H5TBmnake_table function to store an array of structs as a table in an HDF5 file. The function takes the following attributes of the struct as parameters

  • the number of fields
  • the fields' names
  • their offsets
  • their types

Since the standard C++ does not have introspection there is no straightforward way to retrieve these attributes programmatically without writing additional code.

To get around this limitation I created a template class StructInfo<typename> with specializations which provide desired attributes for the structs I am working with. For instance, for a struct S I could get the names of the fields by StructInfo<AStruct>.names and so on. A self-contained example goes like

#include <hdf5.h>
#include <hdf5_hl.h>

struct S{
    uint64_t a;
    uint16_t b;

struct StructInfo {};

struct StructInfo<S>{
    static constexpr unsigned int nfields = 2; 
    static const char *names[];
    static const size_t offsets[];
    static const hid_t types[];
const char *StructInfo<Trade>::names[] = {
const size_t StructInfo<Trade>::offsets[] = {
    HOFFSET(struct Trade, a),
    HOFFSET(struct Trade, b)
const hid_t StructInfo<Trade>::types[] = {

Clearly, the code is hardly readable and quite boilerplate. How would you improve it?

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