mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Understanding static constexpr member variables

I have some confusions regarding static constexpr member variables in C++11.

In first.hpp

template<typename T>
struct cond_I
{ static constexpr T value = 0; }; 

// specialization 
template<typename T>
struct cond_I< std::complex<T> >
{ static constexpr std::complex<T> value = {0,1}; }; 

In main() function

cout << cond_I<double>::value << endl;            // this works fine
cout << cond_I< complex<double> >::value << endl; // linker error

However if I add the following line to first.hpp everything works fine.

template<typename T1> 
constexpr std::complex<T1> cond_I< std::complex<T1> >::value;

What I understand (I may be wrong) is, that cond_I< std::complex<double> >::value needs a definition, but in the previous case it only has the declaration. But then what about cond_I<double>::value? Why it does not require a definition?

Again, in another header file, second.hpp, I have:

In second.hpp

// empty struct
template<typename T>
struct eps
{ };

// special cases
struct eps<double>
  static constexpr double value = 1.0e-12;

struct eps<float>
  static constexpr float value = 1.0e-6;

In this case, following codes works perfectly without any definition of eps<>::value.

In main() function

cout << eps<double>::value << endl;    //  works fine
cout << eps<float>::value << endl;     //  works fine

Can someone please explain me the different behaviors of static constexpr member variables, in these scenarios?

These behaviors are also the same for gcc-5.2 and clang-3.6.

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