I've got some numerical type, which depends on the input variable types and the operations performed. In order to implement a function, which returns a tuple and calls either one or another function I need the following meta code (merge_tuple) implemented. I'm only able to get this working for std::pair -- see below. The calling function looks like this:
template<typename A, typename B, typename C>
typename merge_typle<
decltype(ONE_F(A(), B(), C()),
decltype(TWO_F(A(), B(), C())
>::type function(const A &_rA, const B &_rB, const C &_rC)
{ if (_rA > _rB)
return ONE_F(_rA, _rB, _rC);
return TWO_F(_rA, _rB, _rC);
Here is the example implementation for std::pair -- the + operation creates the joint type:
template<typename PAIR0, typename PAIR1>
struct mergePair
{ typedef std::pair<
decltype(typename PAIR0::first_type() + typename PAIR1::first_type()),
decltype(typename PAIR0::second_type() + typename PAIR1::second_type())
> type;
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