mardi 26 juillet 2016

Base Class reference to Pointer of Derived Class

I would like to have, in a base class A, a reference (or pointer if not possible) to a pointer in a derived class. This would look like this :

          public :
            //Constructors, destructor,...

          protected :
            BaseDataClass *& m_current;

DerivedClassAController : public BaseClassController
      public :
        //Constructors, destructor,...

      protected :
        DerivedDataClassA * m_currentA;

DerivedClassBController : public BaseClassController
      public :
        //Constructors, destructor,...

      protected :
        DerivedDataClassB * m_currentB;

with the Data classes being :

    void doSomething();

DerivedDataClassA : public BaseDataClass

DerivedDataClassB : public BaseDataClass

What I would like to do next in BaseClassController is :


The problem is that the objects pointed by m_currentA and m_currentB will change a lot through the life of the program, and I would like the m_current reference to change automatically when the derived class pointer changes. Concretly, I would like the function changing the object pointed by m_currentA to look like this :

DerivedClassAController::changerCurrentA(DerivedDataClassA* ptA){
   m_currentA = ptA;

and not like this :

DerivedClassAController::changerCurrentA(DerivedDataClassA* ptA){
   m_currentA = ptA;
   m_current = ptA;

I tried by passing the pointer in the derived class constructor :

BaseClassController::BaseClassController(BaseDataClass* pt)
 : m_current(pt)

 : BaseClassController(m_currentA),

But I ended up having a m_current pointing to a DerivedDataClassB in DerivedClassAController.

Is this acheivable ? Or is there a better way to do that ?

Note : DerivedClassAController will use m_currentA as a DerivedDataClassA 95% of the time. Using only the m_current pointer in the base class will end putting dynamic_cast(m_current) everywhere.

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