jeudi 30 mars 2017

std::move with && (rvalue reference) as a member function return type [duplicate]

I just want to initialize a member data oneObj of class Two as below which compiles fine. I would like to know whether it is advisable to use std::move and && together to initialize an object or just pass the oneObj as a reference to InitObjOne as follows InitObjOne(One & obj) and initialize it. is there any advantage over another. Please clarify.

Note: The InitObjOne need to perform few actions for creating an object of One, I've just given a skeleton of the functionalities here.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class One
    int x;

class Two

   One oneObj;
   One && InitObjOne();

Two::Two() : oneObj(InitObjOne())


One && Two::InitObjOne()
    One aObjOne;
    return std::move(aObjOne);

int main() 
    Two two;
    return 0;

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