lundi 25 septembre 2017

ld returned 1 exit status undefined reference Json::Value

From other questions that I've been looking through for the past couple of hours, I gather that the link isn't being made correctly when I compile this file I'm using Json::Value as a parameter in my method buildTree. However, I cannot seem to correct this on my own so I'm reaching out for help now.

At the top of my file MovieClient.cpp, I've included the following:

#include <jsonrpccpp/client/connectors/httpclient.h>
#include <jsoncpp/json/value.h>
#include "moviestub.h"

using namespace jsonrpc;
using namespace std;

Not all of these are relevant, as far as I know, but I wanted to include all of those who may matter since I obviously can't figure it out.

I also have the forward declaration:

void buildTree(Json::Value videoList);

The method (note: this is from other source material and I haven't finished customizing it to what I need. I was trying to resolve the error before doing so):

enter c void buildTree(Json::Value videoList){ 
  cout << endl << "Adding tree nodes for video titles: ";
  for(int i=0; i<videoList.size(); i++){
     string title = videoList[i].asString();
     std::stringstream stream;
     stream << "Video"
            << "/" << title;
  cout << endl;

It's called in the main method (after the previous method and outside the class):

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  std::string nameStr = "Movie Library Catalog";
  std::string host = (argc>0)?argv[0]:"";
  MovieClient mc(nameStr,host);
  HttpClient httpclient(host);
  moviestub m(httpclient);
  Json::Value videoList = m.getTitles();
  return (Fl::run());

Finally, here's the relevant portion of the build file:

<target name="prepare">
   <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
   <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
   <mkdir dir="${obj}"/>

   <property name="cxxflag" value="-std=c++14"/>
   <property name="includepath" value="/usr/local/include"/>
   <property name="client.lib.path" value="/usr/local/lib"/>
   <property name="client.lib.list" value="jsoncpp,jsonrpccpp-client,jsonrpccpp-common,microhttpd,stdc++,fltk,X11,m,dl,pthread"/>

<target name=""
  description="Compile Java server sources">
   <echo message="http server: java -cp classes:lib/jsonrpcserver.jar server.MovieLibraryHttpServer ${port.num}"/>
   <javac srcdir="${src}/java/server"
     <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/>

<target name="generate.client.stub" depends="prepare">
   <exec dir="${basedir}" executable="jsonrpcstub">
     <arg line="${} --cpp-client=moviestub"/>
   <copy file="moviestub.h" tofile="${src}/cpp/client/moviestub.h"/>
   <delete file="moviestub.h"/>

<target name="build.cpp.client" depends="generate.client.stub"
         description="Compile C++ Client">
   <cc outtype="executable" subsystem="console"
      <compiler name="g++"/>
      <compilerarg value="${cxxflag}"/>
         <pathelement path="${includepath}"/>
      <libset dir="${client.lib.path}" libs="${client.lib.list}"/>
      <fileset dir="${src}/cpp/client" includes="MovieClientGui.cpp,MovieClient.cpp"/>

So, is the issue here that Json::Value is not correctly defined? Is a file missing in my list in my build.xml vile? Or am I just not allowed to use Json::Value as a parameter type?

Or is it something else completely?

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