samedi 2 décembre 2017

LNK2019 error, template array [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

this code make error LNK2019

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class SortedArray
    SortedArray(const SortedArray& a);
    SortedArray(size_t size);
    SortedArray& operator=(const SortedArray& a);
    size_t size() const
        return size_;
    const T& operator()(int idx) const;
    void Reserve(int size);
    void Sort();
    void Add(const T& value);
    int Find(const T& value);

    T* values_;
    int size_, alloc_;
template <typename T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, SortedArray<T>& a);
template <typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SortedArray<T>& a);

this is header file

#include "sorted_array.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
SortedArray<T>::SortedArray(const SortedArray& a)
    *this = a;
template <typename T>
SortedArray<T>::SortedArray(size_t size)
    values_ = new T[size];
template <typename T>
template <typename T>
SortedArray<T>& SortedArray<T>::operator=(const SortedArray& a)
    values_ = new T[a.size()];
    for ( int i = 0; i<a.size(); ++i )
        values_[i] = a(i);
    return *this;
template <typename T>
const T& SortedArray<T>::operator()(int idx) const
    return values_[idx];
template <typename T>
void SortedArray<T>::Reserve(int size)
    values_ = new T[size];
template <typename T>
void SortedArray<T>::Sort()
    for ( int i = 0; i<size_; ++i )
        for ( int j = i + 1; j<size_; ++j )
            if ( values_[i]>values_[j] )
                T tmp;
                tmp = values_[i];
                values_[i] = values_[j];
                values_[j] = values_[i];
template <typename T>
void SortedArray<T>::Add(const T& value)
    values_[size_] = value;
template <typename T>
int SortedArray<T>::Find(const T& value)
    int s = 0, e = size_ - 1;
    while ( true )
        int mid = ( s + e ) / 2;
    if ( s == e )
        return -1;
    if ( values_[mid] == value )
        return mid;
    if ( values_[mid]<value )
        s = mid + 1;
        e = mid - 1;
template <typename T>
istream& operator>>(istream& is, SortedArray<T>& a){
    int len;
    for(int i=0; i<len; ++i){
        T tmp;
    return is;
template <typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SortedArray<T>& a){
    for(int i=0; i<a.size(); ++i)
        os<<a(i)<<" ";
    return os;
template class SortedArray<int>;
template class SortedArray<double>;
template class SortedArray<string>;

this is

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "sorted_array.h"
using namespace std;
typedef SortedArray<int> IntSortedArray;
typedef SortedArray<double> DoubleSortedArray;
typedef SortedArray<string> StringSortedArray;
int main()
    map<string, IntSortedArray> int_arrays;
    map<string, DoubleSortedArray> double_arrays;
    map<string, StringSortedArray> string_arrays;
    string cmd, str;
    while ( cmd != "quit" )
        cin >> cmd;
        if ( cmd == "int" )
            IntSortedArray array;
            cin >> str;
            cin >> array;
            int_arrays[str] = array;
            cout << str << " : ";
            cout << array;
            cout << endl;
        else if ( cmd == "double" )
            DoubleSortedArray array;
            cin >> str;
            cin >> array;
            double_arrays[str] = array;
            cout << str << " : ";
            cout << array;
            cout << endl;
        else if ( cmd == "string" )
            StringSortedArray array;
            cin >> str;
            cin >> array;
            string_arrays[str] = array;
            cout << str << " : ";
            cout << array;
            cout << endl;
        else if ( cmd == "list" )
            for ( map<string, IntSortedArray>::const_iterator
                 it = int_arrays.begin(); it != int_arrays.end(); ++it )
                cout << "int " << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;
            for ( map<string, DoubleSortedArray>::const_iterator
                 it = double_arrays.begin(); it != double_arrays.end(); ++it )
                cout << "double " << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;
            for ( map<string, StringSortedArray>::const_iterator
             it = string_arrays.begin(); it != string_arrays.end(); ++it )
                cout << "string " << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl;
        else if ( cmd == "find" )
            cin >> str;
            if ( int_arrays.count(str) > 0 )
                int value;
                cin >> value;
                cout << int_arrays[str].Find(value) << endl;
            else if ( double_arrays.count(str) > 0 )
                double value;
                cin >> value;
                cout << double_arrays[str].Find(value) << endl;
            else if ( string_arrays.count(str) > 0 )
                string value;
                cin >> value;
                cout << string_arrays[str].Find(value) << endl;
    return 0;

and this is my main file

and error message in gcc undefined reference to 'operator<<(std::basic_ostream >&, SortedArray)' undefined reference to 'operator<<(std::basic_ostream >&, SortedArray)'

and also operator '>>'

I think this error is connected with template but i couldn't fix it. thank you.

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