lundi 4 juin 2018

Multiple Callback registration causes Segmentation Fault in c++,

I am trying to register the Multiple Functions for callback using std::function and trying them to get called back whenever some event occurs.

class DemoClass

        void Callback1(int x);
        void Callback2(int x);
        void callEventPrinter(); //Just for Demo purpose
            int xVar;
            EventHandler *handler;

DemoClass::DemoClass():xVar(), handler(nullptr)
    CallBackRegister *handler = new EventHandler();
    using namespace std::placeholders;
    std::shared_ptr<std::function<void(int)>> func1 = std::make_shared<std::function<void(int)>>(std::bind(&MyClass::Callback1, this, _1));
    handler->addHandler(func1, 7);

void DemoClass::callEventPrinter()

void DemoClass::Callback1(int x)
    cout << "Callback1: " << x + xVar << endl;

void MyClass::Callback2(int x)
    cout << "Callback2: " << x + xVar << endl;

Here is the class where I am trying to register muliple callbacks and storing them in Map for future use.

class CallBackRegister
        void addHandler(std::shared_ptr<std::function<void(int)>> callback, int id)
            cout << "Calback Handle added..." << endl;
            callBackSet[id] = std::move(callback);

        void printOnCallBacks(){
            std::shared_ptr<std::function<void(int)>> callback = callBackSet[7]; //HERE SEGMENTATION FAULT IS GENERATED
        std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<std::function<void(int)>>>callBackSet;

I am generating Segmentation Fault in printOnCallBacks() method, comment mentioned in line.

Giving main just for reference.

int main(){
    DemoClass *demoClass = new demoClass();
    return 0;

Reference Question followed : C++ class member callback simple examples

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