mercredi 1 août 2018

Can a conditional variable "miss" a notify call?

I was wondering if it were possible for a conditional variable to "miss" a notify call. My scenario is as follows.

Given a mutex mu, and a Pred P (!queue.empty())...

Thread A: Persists for the entirety of the program's life span. Holds a conditional variable waiting on mu and P. Upon acquiring mu and verifying the queue is not empty, it will pop an item from the queue.

Thread B: A function that will acquire mu, push to the queue.

Thread C: Same as B.

Thread B and C are spawned simultaneously.

In this scenario B acquires mu first, pushes to the queue, drops mu and calls notify. In between B calling notify and dropping mu, C acquires mu, pushes to the queue, and calls notify. Finally A acquires mu, proceeds to pop an item from the queue and process it. However A only acts on one of the notify calls.

If you are trying to process the items in the queue one by one, this seems to create a pile up.

Is this a situation that can occur? And do we have to be aware of it? For example, within A, pop UNTIL the queue is empty? Or is this handled by the language?

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