I am developing a C++ application using Qt and I need to run a function asynchronously every second.
The application works this way:
- the user start a functionallity;
- the application call the specific function asynchronously letting the user doing something else in the meantime;
- when the user stops the functionallity, the application stops calling the function.
For other functions I used Qt integrated SLOTS and SIGNALS, like this:
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateView()));
but for this particular function I wanted to use only C++ functionallity like thread, mutex, future, promise and asynch.
I tried something like this:
if(cmd == start) {
std::future<void> fn = async(std::launch::async, [](){
// some code here
This way, every time the user clicks start the application calls the lambda function.
Now I want that function to be called every second until the user clicks stop without avoiding him to do something else in the meantime.
Can someone help me?
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