Given the following function body for Future
variable get_value()
// Optimization once _is_resolved is set true, we do not need lock anymore
if( _is_resolved ) {
return _value;
// If _is_resolved is not set to true, lock and double check _is_resolved
if(!_is_resolved) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
// We cannot call _lock.unlock(); before _condition.wait(lock); because
// 1. It would allow this thread to be preempted
// 2. Then, some other thread could call resolve()
// Once this other thread completes the resolve() call, and this
// thread is rescheduled, we would finally call _condition.wait(lock);
// but doing so, would cause this thread to be locked indefinitely
// because we will never call resolve() anymore
_condition.wait(lock); // How to call _lock.unlock(); after locking?
else {
return _value;
I cannot release the _lock
properly when the variable _is_resolved
is set to false, because after calling the _condition.wait()
I cannot call _lock.unlock()
until the _condition
variable is satisfied. However, in order to satisfy the condition variable I need to release the lock first. It is paradox.
The only solution I can think of is to make the _condition
variable to call _lock.unlock()
after it finally locks. But how to do so?
Full minimal example:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable>
std::recursive_mutex _debug_syncronized_semaphore_lock;
#define DB(...) do { \
std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_debug_syncronized_semaphore_lock); \
std::cout << __VA_ARGS__ << std::flush; } while(0);
template<typename FutureType>
class Future
Future(): _size(0), _is_resolved(false) {
DB( "Future(_is_resolved=" << _is_resolved
<< ", _condition=" << _size
<< ") => " << this << std::endl )
~Future() {
DB( "~Future(this=" << this << ")" << std::endl );
FutureType get_value() {
DB( "Future::get_value(this=" << this
<< " _is_resolved=" << _is_resolved
<< " _condition=" << _size
<< ")" << std::endl )
// Optimization once _is_resolved is set true, we do not need lock anymore
if( _is_resolved ) {
return _value;
// If _is_resolved is not set to true, lock and double check _is_resolved
if(!_is_resolved) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
// We cannot call _lock.unlock(); before _condition.wait(lock); because
// 1. It would allow this thread to be preempted
// 2. Then, some other thread could call resolve()
// Once this other thread completes the resolve() call, and this
// thread is rescheduled, we would finally call _condition.wait(lock);
// but doing so, would cause this thread to be locked indefinitely
// because we will never call resolve() anymore
_condition.wait(lock); // How to call _lock.unlock(); after locking?
else {
return _value;
void resolve(FutureType value) {
DB( "Future::resolve(this=" << this
<< " _is_resolved=" << _is_resolved
<< " _condition=" << _size
<< ")" << std::endl )
// If the instruction pointer got until here, and the thread is unscheduled,
// and another thread call `resolve()`, then, the `assert` will not work,
// if the whole resolve() call is not atomic.
_value = value;
_is_resolved = true;
FutureType _value;
std::atomic<int> _size;
volatile std::atomic<bool> _is_resolved;
std::mutex _mutex;
std::recursive_mutex _lock;
std::condition_variable _condition;
int producerFunction(Future<int>* future) {
DB( "producerFunction ()" << std::endl )
std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::milliseconds(2000) );
DB( "producerFunction (resolving future=" << future << " to 10)" << std::endl )
return 0;
int consumerFunction(Future<int>* future) {
DB( "consumerFunction ()" << std::endl )
auto value = future->get_value();
DB( "consumerFunction (result=" << value << ")" << std::endl )
value = future->get_value();
DB( "consumerFunction (result=" << value << ")" << std::endl )
return 0;
int main()
DB( "Starting main application..." << std::endl )
Future<int>* future = new Future<int>();
std::thread* consumer = new std::thread(&consumerFunction, future);
std::thread* producer = new std::thread(&producerFunction, future);
DB( "Exiting main application..." << std::endl )
return 0;
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