lundi 27 mai 2019

Dynamic Allocation for a Struct with template

I have a code, which is an implementation of doubly linked list.

template<class T>
struct Node{
    T value;
    struct Node * next_;
    struct Node * prev_;

template <class T>
class Dex
    struct Node<T> * head = (struct Node<T> *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node<T>));
    struct Node<T> * tail = (struct Node<T> *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node<T>));
    struct Node<T> * current = (struct Node<T> *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct Node<T>));

When I compile this, I receive the following error:

[Error] there are no arguments to 'calloc' that depend on a template parameter, so a declaration of 'calloc' must be available [-fpermissive]

I've tried malloc, new etc. But I want to stick to calloc() for this one. Any other method to allocate memory is appreciated, as long as it works and won't throw any SIGSEV.

I expect the code to compile successfully, and be able to initialize a (struct Node *) pointer without having to deal with memory problems.

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