mardi 28 mai 2019

Why i am not able to cast pointer to the class structure

I have a Geometry class

  class Geometry
   std::string stdstrType;
   bool bValid;


 Geometry( std::string strType , bool bValue )

 Geometry(const Geometry &g)

    virtual void draw();
    bool isValid();
    void setValidState(bool bState);
    virtual void Init();
    std::string GetName();  

Which is the base class for geometry objects like in this case for sphere class

class Sph : public Geometry
  Sph( float radius , float segments );
  void init();
  void CleanUp();
  void draw();

   float fRadius, fSegments;
    bool isInited;
    unsigned int m_VAO, m_VBO;
    int iNumsToDraw;
    SumShader shader;
    bool isChanged;

I have a Tree structure holding different Container objects and geometry is a data type in the Container object.

 class Container
      std::string stdstrContainerName;
      std::string stdstrPluginType;
       Geometry Geom;

Since each item in the tree can hold a circle sphere or rectangle so i would like to Use the draw function of geometry to draw the Geometry object types. For this when i try to cast any Geometry Object type to Geometry i get a Error.

Geometry *geom = new Geometry;
geom = &sphere;
Container cont("Sphere" , "SPHERE" , *geometry );   
myModel->SetContainer(child, cont);

1)Is this the Correct Approach .

2) How can i cast the Geometry Objects to the Geometry Pointer.

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