"I am trying to find the minimum element using the binary search
algorithm. In the lats two else if loops once tried without equal sign and with equal sign."
int Solution::findMin(const vector<int> &A) {
int low=0,high=A.size()-1;//low -lower index and high-last index
//in case the array is sorted or array contains one element
if(A[low]<=A[high])return A[low];
else {
//to find the middle index
int mid=(low+high)/2;
//to check whether minimu element lies in the middle
return A[mid];
if( A[mid]>A[mid+1])return A[mid+1];
//to check the halve in which minimum element lies
else if(A[high]>=A[mid]){high=mid-1;}
else if(A[low]<=A[mid])low=mid+1;
No error messages .I want to know what difference that '=' operator can make.
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