samedi 25 avril 2020

(declared implicitly) cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function

With following code I'm facing an issue: ABC.h

namespace abcd

    class ABC
              ABC() = delete;
              ABC(const std::string& filename);
              virtual ~ABC();
              ABC(const ABC&) = delete;
              ABC(ABC&&) = default;


using namespace abcd;
Class XYZ
        void func();
        ABC obj;
        ABC maskfilename(std::string filename);


        obj = maskfilename("abcd.txt"); //Error

abcd::ABC XYZ::masked(string filename)
    abcd::ABC ret;

    blah blah...

    return ret;

Error: "abcd::ABC::operator=(const abcd::ABC &)" (declared implicitly) cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function

I understand it is move constructor only class (ABC). What is the right way to use this? I want to retain return value from maskfilename in the XYZ class, So it can be used in other functions of XYZ class. How can I resolve this error?

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