mercredi 29 avril 2020

Mock for a concrete class using gmock in C++

I am stuck with creating a mock for a concrete class.

I know that is not a great idea to do this but I'm not not allowed to change production code.

My code is similar with:

Class A
        A(B* b)
                this->b = b;
 void function_from_a_to_test(<arg>)
             //something to do
        B * b;

class B
        void function_from_b();
class MockB : public B , testing::Mock //i don't know why I can that, B is not virtual 

 MOCK_METHOD(function_from_b, void, (void));


A_Test :testing::Test{
        b = new B();
        a = new A(b);

        delete b ;
        delete a ;

void set_b(B * bb)
        a->b = bb;


In order to test I used Test_f

TEST_F(A_Test, Test_function_from_a_to_test)

 B * b_t = new MockB();
EXPECT_CALL(*(static_cast<MockB> b_t), function_from_b))


It's seems that the test is passed but i got memory leak at static cast.

And If I store the result of static cast in another variable (in order to delete it), the expect call having that variable is failing.

I know that is not really a good practice, but I can not change the production code.

Has somebody a idea how to solve it? Or a better way to test this?

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