mercredi 29 avril 2020

Need help to debug Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'newString' was corrupted

This is a function to convert a long string (sentence) into a vector of strings. From the error, it seems obvious that the char ptr newString is causing some access violation, run-time issues. Probably it's length is the root cause? Any help on how to debug/ fix this issue will be appreciated! Also, please note that the output of the function is just coming as expected, but with the run-time error occurring.

vector<string> convertStrgToStrVect(char *inString)
    unsigned int end = 0, start = 0, i = 0, len = 0, j = 0;
    char *inStr = inString, *s;
    char newString[] = "";
    vector<unsigned int> startLenVect, endLenVect, strLenVect;
    vector<unsigned int> :: iterator itr1, itr2;
    vector<string> stringVect;
    vector<string> :: iterator itr3;

    s = inStr;

    // Add an extra space an the end of the string
    for( i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)
    s[i] = ' ';
    s[i] = '\0';

    cout << s << endl;
    cout << strlen(s) << endl;

    // Create vectors for start and end indexes to split the words separated by a space
    for( i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++)
        if(s[i] != ' ')
            len = end - start;
            end = i+1;
            start = i+1;
    cout << "startLenVect: ";
    for(itr1 = startLenVect.begin(); itr1 != startLenVect.end(); itr1++)
        cout << *itr1 << " ";

    cout << "endLenVect: ";
    for(itr1 = endLenVect.begin(); itr1 != endLenVect.end(); itr1++)
        cout << *itr1 << " " << endl;

    for(itr1 = startLenVect.begin(), itr2 = endLenVect.begin(); itr1 != startLenVect.end(); itr1++, itr2++)
        strcpy(newString, "");
        for(i = *itr1, j = 0; i < *itr2; i++, j++)
            newString[j] = s[i];
        newString[j] = '\0';


    for(itr3 = stringVect.begin(); itr3 != stringVect.end(); itr3++)
        cout << "stringVect: " << *itr3 << endl;
    return stringVect;

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