I have a simple timer, which i want to execute my function after a fixed time.
the code is:
#include <thread>
typedef void (*callback)();
class timer {
virtual ~timer() {
if(t_) {t_->detach(); delete t_;}
void start(int sec, callback f) {
t_ = new std::thread([&sec, &f]() {sleep(sec); f();});
std::thread * t_;
void test () {
printf("here called\n");
int main() {
timer t;
t.start(3, test); // TODO: test is ok, but it wont work
// if test is a class member function, or it have parameters.
while (1);
it's ok to use if my function is a global, non-parameters function.
but when i use class member funtion(not static), i think it wont work.
So, Can you help on this if i want my function have parmaters and may be a class member function?
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