in below program a string cst
is created inside the block scope and store its const reference in unique_ptr<Def> d
(unique_ptr<Def> d
is outside block scope). as per my understanding when the block scope ends string cst
is destroyed, so unique_ptr<Def> d
storing reference of string cst
should be dangling after end of block scope but its not and it correctly printing "Hello"
string. i've check the address of d->s
and cst
are same so there is no copy happening so wanted to know why d->s
retains the string value even aftercst
doesn't exist? o/p :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
struct Def
const string& s;
Def(const string& v):s(v)
int main()
unique_ptr<Def> d = nullptr;
string cst = "Hello";
d.reset(new Def(cst));
std::cout <<&d->s <<"="<< &cst<<"\n";
std::cout << "strVal : " << d->s<< "\n";
return 0;
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