I try to write a simple coroutine on x86_64 platform, but I met with problems as I make a context switch. The code is organized as follows, and finally it will output "succeed to save _current's environment\nSegmentation fault" on my terminal.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
typedef std::uint64_t addr_t;
typedef std::uint64_t reg_t;
using std::map;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
class CoroutineEnvFactory;
class CoroutineManager;
struct CoroutineEnv {
reg_t rip;
reg_t rbx;
reg_t rsi;
reg_t rdi;
reg_t rsp;
reg_t rbp;
char* stackTop;
reg_t stackSize;
friend class CoroutineEnvFactory;
friend class CoroutineManager;
CoroutineEnv() {}
~CoroutineEnv() {
delete[] (stackTop-stackSize);
stackTop = nullptr;
class CoroutineEnvFactory {
CoroutineEnvFactory() {}
~CoroutineEnvFactory() {}
CoroutineEnv* emptyCoroutineEnv() {
return new CoroutineEnv;
template <typename func_t>
CoroutineEnv* funcCoroutineEnv(func_t rip, reg_t stackSize=4096) {
CoroutineEnv* env = new CoroutineEnv;
// initialize the stack of coroutine
env->stackSize = stackSize < 4096 ? 4096 : stackSize;
env->stackTop = new char[env->stackSize] + env->stackSize;
// initialize register environment
env->rbx = env->rsi = env->rdi = 0;
env->rbp = env->rsp = (reg_t)(env->stackTop);
// initialize entry point
env->rip = (reg_t)rip;
return env;
class CoroutineManager {
static constexpr const char* MAIN_COROUTINE = "MAIN";
CoroutineEnvFactory _factory;
map<string, CoroutineEnv*> _list;
string _current;
CoroutineManager() {
_list[MAIN_COROUTINE] = _factory.emptyCoroutineEnv();
_current = string(MAIN_COROUTINE);
void remove(CoroutineEnv* env) {
map<string, CoroutineEnv*>::iterator it;
for (it=_list.begin(); it!=_list.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second == env) {
static void endPoint() {
reg_t rbp;
asm volatile ("movq %%rbp, %0": "=r"(rbp) :: "memory");
rbp += sizeof(addr_t);
CoroutineEnv* coroutine = reinterpret_cast<CoroutineEnv*>(*(addr_t*)rbp);
rbp += sizeof(addr_t);
CoroutineManager* manager = reinterpret_cast<CoroutineManager*>(*(addr_t*)rbp);
// singleton
static CoroutineManager& getManager() {
static CoroutineManager manager;
return manager;
void manage(string name, CoroutineEnv* coroutine) {
coroutine->rsp -= 3*sizeof(addr_t);
coroutine->rbp = coroutine->rsp;
_list[name] = coroutine;
addr_t *rsp = (addr_t*)coroutine->rsp;
// push ending function
*rsp = (addr_t)endPoint;
// push it's parameters
*(rsp+1) = (addr_t)coroutine;
*(rsp+2) = (addr_t)this;
void switch_to(string next) {
if (_list.end() == _list.find(next)) return;
if (next == _current) return;
CoroutineEnv* target = _list[next];
CoroutineEnv* cur = _list[_current];
// save _current's environment
asm volatile (
"movq 8(%%rbp), %0;"
"movq %%rbx, %1;"
"movq %%rsi, %2;"
"movq %%rdi, %3;"
"movq %%rbp, %4;"
"movq %%rsp, %5;"
: "=r"(cur->rip), "=r"(cur->rbx), "=r"(cur->rsi), "=r"(cur->rdi), "=r"(cur->rbp), "=r"(cur->rsp)
:: "memory"
#ifdef _DEBUG
cout << "succeed to save _current's environment" << endl;
// switch to next coroutine
_current = next;
asm volatile (
"movq %0, %%rbx;"
"movq %1, %%rsi;"
"movq %2, %%rdi;"
"movq %3, %%rbp;"
"movq %4, %%rsp;"
"pushq %5; ret;"
:: "r"(target->rbx), "r"(target->rsi), "r"(target->rdi), "r"(target->rbp), "r"(target->rsp), "r"(target->rip)
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#define _DEBUG
#include "coroutine.hpp"
using namespace std;
void foo() {
int i = 3;
while(--i) {
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
int main() {
CoroutineEnv* env = CoroutineEnvFactory().funcCoroutineEnv(foo);
CoroutineManager& manager = CoroutineManager::getManager();
manager.manage("foo", env);
cout << "end main" << endl;
I use a struct CoroutineEnv to save necessary coroutine context, which mainly contains some general purpose registers and stack-related registers. Class CoroutineEnvFactory is just used to create CoroutineEnv object. Finally, class CoroutineManager manages all coroutines created in run-time environment, whose function switch_to provides the ability to switch the context to another assigned coroutine.
However, as I assign the %rsp(in my code it's "movq %4, %%rsp;") of target coroutine, the next instruction "pushq %5;"(Here, %5 is equal to the rip of target coroutine) triggers a segmentation fault(I verify it by comment the instruction "pushq %5;"). I cannot tell whether the memory that %rsp points to is invalid or not, so I try to make some memory access with the address %rsp points to before that context switch, but there's nothing happened. I would appreciate it if you can give some advice, thanks a lot!
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