mercredi 15 septembre 2021

"This library now requires a C++11 or later compiler..." when compiling 'number_base.hpp' of boost library

I have a c++ project using boost 1.77.0 library. The compiler is g++ 4.8.5, and as I know it supports the c++11 standard. The following command is used to compile the project:

g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp Logger.cpp MOCMesh.cpp Mesh.cpp CFDMesh.cpp Solver.cpp -o main -I../tools -I/usr/code/include -I. -L/usr/code/lib -lgmp -lphtread -lmpfr

However, I got errors told c++ standard unsatisfied:

/usr/code/include/boost/multiprecision/detail/number_base.hpp:36:2: error: #error "This library now requires a C++11 or later compiler - this message was generated as a result of BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TYPE_TRAITS being set"
 #error "This library now requires a C++11 or later compiler - this message was generated as a result of BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TYPE_TRAITS being set"

For some reasons, I cannot update the GNU compilers to latest or higher version, so is there anyone knows how to solve this issue?

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