jeudi 18 novembre 2021

C++ cannot call set_value for future which was moved inside a lambda?

I'm trying to write a fairly simple method that returns a future. A lambda sets the future. This is a minimal example. In reality the lambda might be invoked in a different thread, etc.

#include <future>

std::future<std::error_code> do_something() {
  std::promise<std::error_code> p;
  auto fut = p.get_future();
  auto lambda = [p = std::move(p)] {
    std::error_code error;
  return std::move(fut);

int main() { return do_something().get().value(); }

For some reason I get a type error. VSCode intellisense says:

no instance of overloaded function "std::promise<_Ty>::set_value [with _Ty=std::error_code]" matches the argument list and object (the object has type qualifiers that prevent a match) -- argument types are: (std::remove_reference_t<std::error_code &>) -- object type is: const std::remove_reference_t<std::promise<std::error_code> &>

And MSVC compiler says:

error C2663: 'std::promise<std::error_code>::set_value': 2 overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointer

I really don't understand the VS Code error. Is it saying that it thinks error is a const promise<error_code>? How do I correctly call set_value on a promise which was moved inside a lambda's capture?

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