mercredi 24 novembre 2021

Why do

I was experimenting with C++ and found out that const char* and const char[] behave very differently with the following code. Really sorry if I did not phrase this question very well as I am not clear of what is happening in the code.

#include <iostream>                                                                                                        
#include <vector>                                                                                                          

// This version uses <const char[3]> for <myStr>.
// It does not work as expected.                                                                                                                      
struct StrStruct                                                                                                           
    const char myStr[3];                                                                                                     
// This program extracts all the string elements in <strStructList> and copy them to <strListCopy>                                                                      
int main()
    StrStruct strStruct1{"ab"};
    StrStruct strStruct2{"de"};
    StrStruct strStruct3{"ga"};
    std::vector<StrStruct> strStructList{strStruct1, strStruct2, strStruct3};
    std::vector<const char*>  strListCopy{};
    for (StrStruct strStructEle : strStructList)                                                                           
        std::cout << "Memory address for the string got pushed back in is "                                                
                  << &strStructEle.myStr << std::endl;                                                                     
        std::cout << "Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is "                           
                  << (void *) &strStructEle.myStr[0] << "\n" <<std::endl;                                                          
    std::cout << "Show content of <strListCopy>:" << std::endl;                                                                                                                     
    for (const char*& strEle : strListCopy)                                                                                
        std::cout << strEle << std::endl;                                                                                  

The following is its output:

Memory address for the string got pushed back in is [address#99]
Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is [address#99]

Memory address for the string got pushed back in is [address#99]
Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is [address#99]

Memory address for the string got pushed back in is [address#99]
Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is [address#99]

Show content of <strListCopy>:

However, if I just simply change the implementation for StrStruct


// This version uses <const char[3]> for <myStr>.
// It does not work as expected. 
struct StrStruct                                                                                                           
    const char myStr[3];                                                                                                     


// This version uses <const char*> for <myStr>.
// It works as expected.                                                                                                                      
struct StrStruct                                                                                                           
    const char* myStr;                                                                                                     

Program's output becomes this:

Memory address for the string got pushed back in is [address#10]
Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is [address#1]

Memory address for the string got pushed back in is [address#10]
Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is [address#2]

Memory address for the string got pushed back in is [address#10]
Memory address for the first element of the string got pushed back in is [address#3]

Show content of <strListCopy>:

What confuses me is the following:

  1. Why in the first version all the strings have the same value? I tried to use const strStruct& instead of strStruct in the for each loop which solves the problem but I do not understand how.

  2. Why do const char* and const char[] behave so differently? I thought they are largely the same due to the following:

const char myChars[] = "abcde";                                                                                     
const char* myCharsCopy = myChars;                                                                                  
std::cout << myChars << " vs "  << myCharsCopy << std::endl;  

It prints out abcde vs abcde and you can directly assign value of const char[] to const char* without any error.

  1. Why does changing const char[] to const char* solves the problem?

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