jeudi 9 décembre 2021

Running Locking and Unlocking of n-ary Tree on a multi-core machine

Let's say you are running the lock/unlock in a multi core machine. Now you want to let multiple threads to run lock() simultaneously. locking a node has multiple validations inside. doing lock on two nodes will cause a race condition. How can I solve it?

class narytree {
    bool isLock;
    bool isLockable;
    narytree* parent;
    vector<narytree*> children;
        isLock = false;
        isLockable = true;
        parent = NULL;
    narytree(narytree* parent)
        isLock = false;
        isLockable = true;
        this->parent = parent;

bool isLock(narytree* node) { return node->isLock; }

void Lock(narytree* node)
    if (node->isLockable == false)

    narytree* T = node;
    bool flag = false;
    while (T != NULL) {
        if (T->isLock == true) {
            flag = true;
        T = T->parent;
    if (flag)
    else {
        node->isLock = true;
        T = node;
        // marking isLockable as false for ancestor nodes.
        while (T != NULL) {
            T->isLockable = false;
            T = T->parent;

void unLock(narytree* node)
    if (node->isLock == false)
    narytree* T = node;
    node->isLock = false;
    // marking isLoackable as true for ancestor nodes.
    while (T != NULL) {
        T->isLockable = true;
        T = T->parent;

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