mardi 28 décembre 2021

Why can't a copy constructor be templated? [duplicate]

I am doing a course C++ Fundamentals for Professionals on website, it mentioned the above statement added in the question,

I created a small c++ program to experiment the same -

using namespace std;

template<typename T1>
class MyTemplateClass
    T1 data;

        cout << "in default const" << endl;

    MyTemplateClass(const MyTemplateClass& other)
        cout << "in default copy const - created automatically" << endl;
        this->data =;
    template<typename T>
    MyTemplateClass(const MyTemplateClass<T>& other)
        cout << "in templated copy const" << endl;
        this->data =;

int main()
    cout << "hello world" << endl;
    MyTemplateClass<int> obj;
    MyTemplateClass<double> obj2(obj);
    MyTemplateClass<int> obj3(obj);


For obj3 it calls the default copy constructor which makes sense but for obj2 it calls the templated copy constructor, so I see a use for the constructor that if I have a class that takes T1 = double, we can created an object for it from an object of a class that takes T1 = int.

Does obj2 using template MyTemplateClass(const MyTemplateClass& other) - this function doesn't seem like a valid copy constructor according to the rules of a copy constructor defined in c++ but why is it such a case - since this seems like a valid use case?

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