samedi 13 mai 2023

Correct template definition to wrap class member functions

I looked up to this and this SO answers, but none solves my problem.

Short description: the template function, where much more should happen than just that of this example, should be able to wrap any other function, also function members of a class.

Minimal working example:

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, typename ...ArgsT>
T wrapper(T(*func)(ArgsT...), ArgsT... args)
    return func(args...);

class TestClass
    int mult_by_2_member(int a)
        return a * 2;

    static int mult_by_2_static(int a)
        return a * 2;

    void wrap_funcs()
        // std::cout << "Wrapped member = " 
        //           << wrapper(&mult_by_2_member, 2)  // Prob: cannot convert `int(TestClass::*)(int) to int(*)(int)`
        //           << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Wrapped static = " << wrapper(mult_by_2_static, 2) << std::endl;

int main()
    TestClass test_instance;
    // skipping wrapping of a global function... that works correctly

The error message, as posted in the snippet above, is obvious. But I did not yet figure out how to solve it, or even whether the whole starting logic or intent is valid.

Any solution suggestions or sources of information?


A possible solution would be:

/* as above */
static int mult_by_2_static(TestClass* p, int a)
   return p->mult_by_2_member(2);

void wrap_funcs()
    // std::cout << "Wrapped member = " << wrapper(&mult_by_2_member, 2) << " = " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Wrapped static = " << wrapper(mult_by_2_static, this, 2) << std::endl;

But then I would have to "pre-wrap" all target member functions into static ones, which is a lot of boilerplate.

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