lundi 15 mai 2023

Create protected function in base class and receive slots as arguments

I have created a base and derived class. Both have some common code which differs only in the slots when I have use connect. I intend to create a common function which is protected and takes as an argument the slot function pointer.

class Base
virtual void createcommon(void(*)(int));

void slotBase(int);

class Derived
void slotDerived(int);

void Base::createcommon(void(*slotPtr)(int))
//some common stuff
connect(m_comboBox, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::ACurrentIndexChanged), this, slotPtr);

void Base::xyz()
createcommon(&Base::slotBase); //does not work, compiler says "argument of type void (Base::*)(int) is incompatible with type void (*)(int).

void Derived::func()
createcommon(&Derived::slotDerived); //does not work, compiler says "argument of type void (Derived::*)(int) is incompatible with type void (*)(int).

Is it possible to do so via function pointers? Otherwise the option left is to create a second virtual function like virtual void initConnect() in both Base and Derived classes to connect appropriately.

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