mardi 23 juin 2015

In C++ Is there a way for the Child to reuse the the Parent class implementation of the pure virtual function defined in GrandParent

Consider the below code, I had like to use the base class methods PowerOn() and PowerOff() defined in EventGeneratorBase in the class RemoteControl instead of explicity defining them. I know it's not possible to instantiate RemoteControl without defining these two methods but is there n shortcut or an easy way to avoid manually defining the methods.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

template<class TEventHandler> struct IEventGenerator {
    virtual ~IEventGenerator() = default;
    virtual void AddEventHandler(std::weak_ptr<TEventHandler> eventHandler) = 0;

template <class TEvents> struct EventGeneratorBase : IEventGenerator<TEvents> {
    void AddEventHandler(std::weak_ptr<TEvents> target) {

    std::vector<std::weak_ptr<TEvents>> GetEventHandlers() {
        return _eventHandlers;

    std::vector<std::weak_ptr<TEvents>> _eventHandlers;

struct IControlEvents {
    virtual ~IControlEvents() = default;
    virtual void PowerOn() = 0;
    virtual void PowerOff() = 0;

struct IRemoteControl  : IEventGenerator<IControlEvents> {
    virtual ~IRemoteControl() = default;
    virtual void Toggle() = 0;

struct RemoteControl : IRemoteControl, EventGeneratorBase<IControlEvents> {
    // I need to use the PowerOn / PowerOff from EventGeneratorBase

    void Toggle() {
        for (auto tref : GetEventHandlers()) {
            auto t = tref.lock();
            if (t) {

struct Light : IControlEvents {
    Light(std::string color) : _color(color) { }

    void PowerOn() {
        std::cout << _color << "::Light ON!" << std::endl;

    void PowerOff() {
        std::cout << _color << "::Light OFF!" << std::endl;

    std::string _color;

int main() {
    std::shared_ptr<IRemoteControl> remote(new RemoteControl); // ERROR: Can't instantiate
    std::shared_ptr<IControlEvents> light1(new Light("GREEN"));
    std::shared_ptr<IControlEvents> light2(new Light("RED"));


    return 0;

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