I have a function named 'equal' accepting 2 parameters, each of them should be either std::set or std::multiset, and the element type of container should be arithmetic type (int, float, double ... ). I want the compiler report an error if above 2 conditions not satisfied.
I hope my code could run like this:
int main(void)
std::set<int> s1;
std::set<int> s2;
equal(s1, s2); // OK
std::multiset<float> s3;
std::multiset<float> s4;
equal(s3, s4); // OK
std::set<int> s5;
std::multiset<int> s6;
equal(s5, s6); // compile error
std::set<int*> s7;
std::set<int*> s8;
equal(s7, s8); // compile error
std::vector<int> s9;
std::vector<int> s10;
equal(s9, s10); // compile error
return 0;
And now it can check if element is arithmetic type, like below:
template <class Container, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<typename Container::value_type>::value>::type>
bool equal(const Container &container1, const Container &container2)
return true;
But how to make sure the container only be set or multiset ?
the compiler can support C++11, such as vc2015 or gcc4.8
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