jeudi 2 mars 2017

Shared pointers and member variables

I have been have trouble trying to understand how shared pointers work from the perspective of member variables. There are a lot of good questions on SO that explain shared pointers and how/when to use them (this, this, and this, among others). However, I've been struggling to understand how they work when we are dealing with class instance variables, particularly those that are containers (like std::vector).

I have a workflow that involves

  1. Reading data from a file
  2. Storing that data in a container of a class
  3. Accessing, modifying, and passing around instances of that class

I am trying to understand if (and where) my code is doing needless copying, or if my passing of a constant reference is good enough. After doing some reading, I am inclined to think that I should be creating the objects once on the heap and passing shared pointers around rather than constant references, but I can't articulate why.

I have pasted parts of my program below in (roughly) their current implementation. My questions are:

  • For the PointCloud class, should I instead be storing shared pointers to Point3D objects in the _data vector? This way, during the filtering operation, I can populate my _inliers and _outliers PointCloud variables by filling their respective _data member variables with shared pointers to the appropriate Point3D objects?
  • For Scene class and the Filter class, am I better off with making the PointCloud type member variables shared pointers to PointCloud? I am pretty sure my current getter implementations return copies, and these PointCloud objects can contain millions of Point3D objects, so they're not small. Would this be better than returning a constant reference (as I do in PointCloud::getData()?

Ultimately I think the root of my question comes down to: should I do nearly all of my object creation on the heap for these classes and just store shared pointers in my member variables? If so, what would the efficiency improvement be? If not, why not?

Here are some components of my program.

(Note: in reality implementations are not actually all inlined. I just did that here for brevity).


#include "pointcloud.h"
#include "point3D.h" // just defines the Point3D class

class Scene

        // Other member variables...

        /** Pointcloud */
        PointCloud _pointcloud;

        // Public functions
        inline PointCloud getPointCloud() const; // Return point cloud
        inline void readPoints3D(const std::string &path_to_file);

PointCloud Scene::getPointCloud() const { return _pointcloud; }

void Scene::readPoints3D(const std::string &path_to_file)
    std::ifstream file(path_to_file.c_str());

    // Run through each line of the text file
    std::string line;
    std::string item;
    while (std::getline(file, line))
        // Initialize variables id, x, y, z, r, g, b from file data

        Point3D pt(id, x, y, z, r, g, b); // Create Point3D object

        _pointcloud.addPoint(pt); // Add point to pointcloud


#include "point3D.h"

#include <vector>

class PointCloud
        /** PointCloud data */
        std::vector<Point3D> _data;

        // Public member functions
        inline std::vector<Point3D> & getData();
        inline const std::vector<Point3D> & getData() const;
        inline void addPoint(const Point3D &pt);

const std::vector<Point3D> & PointCloud::getData() const { return _data; }

std::vector<Point3D> & PointCloud::getData() { return _data; }

void PointCloud::addPoint(const Reprojection::Point3D &pt)
    _data.push_back(pt); // Add the point to the data vector


#include "pointcloud.h"

// Removes 3D points from a pointcloud if they don't meet certain conditions
class Filter

        // Good points that should stay in the pointcloud
        PointCloud _inliers;

        // Removed points
        PointCloud _outliers;

        Filter(const PointCloud &pointcloud) // Constructor

        void filterPointCloud(); // Filtering operation

        inline PointCloud getInliers();
        inline PointCloud getOutliers();

Filter::Filter(const PointCloud &pointcloud) :
    _inliers(pointcloud), _outliers(PointCloud()) {}

PointCloud getInliers() { return _inliers; }
PointCloud getOutliers() { return _outliers; }


#include "scene.h"
#include "pointcloud.h"
#include "filter.h"

// Some function that writes my pointcloud to file
void writeToFile(PointCloud &cloud);

int main()
    Scene scene;


    PointCloud cloud = scene.getPointCloud();

    Filter f(cloud);


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