I am curious about the lifespan of a shared_ptr when captured by value within a lambda.
I had expected its use_count()
to always be >= 1 as long as the lambda is still in memory, but my test shows something unexpected: use count falls to 0, then increments to 1 inside the lambda body...
Here's what I tested:
- create a shared_ptr
- define a lambda that captures the shared_ptr by value
- reset the shared_ptr
- run the lambda
At stage 3, the shared_ptr's use_count()
falls to 0 - but the object is not destroyed. At stage 4 - inside the lambda - use_count()
is back to 1. After the lambda is run, use_count()
goes back to 0, but the object is not destroyed until the lambda is destroyed.
I'm wondering how / why this could be?
Shouldn't use_count()
be 2 after the lambda definition and then 1 inside the lambda?
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Foo {
Foo( int v = 0 ) : val(v) {}
std::cout << "--- Foo destroyed ---" << std::endl;
int val = 0;
void logPtr( const std::shared_ptr<Foo>& p ){
std::cout << "ptr: refs = " << p.use_count();
if (p) {
std::cout << ", val = " << p->val << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << ", nullptr" << std::endl;
int main() {
std::shared_ptr<Foo> ptr = std::make_shared<Foo>( 0 );
std::cout << "--- define lambda ---\n";
auto lambda = [=]() {
std::cout << "--- run lambda ---\n";
if (ptr) { ptr->val++; }
std::cout << "--- end lambda ---\n";
std::cout << "--- reset ptr ---\n";
// run lambda
here is the output:
ptr: refs = 1, val = 0
--- define lambda ---
ptr: refs = 2, val = 0
--- reset ptr ---
ptr: refs = 0, nullptr
--- run lambda ---
ptr: refs = 1, val = 1
--- end lambda ---
ptr: refs = 0, nullptr
--- Foo destroyed ---
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