jeudi 2 avril 2020

L and R refrence variable

I am trying to understand basic concepts of Rvalue and Lvalue reference variable and also that how they can be converted to each other (if possible) either as function parameter of as variables and to understand the memory operations involved in them - hence I cerated a class with required CTors and Dtor to understand temporary obejct creation / destruction during the operation:

class A
   A() {std::cout << "CTor Called" << std::endl;}
   A(const A& a) {std::cout << "Copy CTor Called" << std::endl;}
   A(A&& a) {std::cout << "MOve CTor Called" << std::endl; }
   void operator =(const A& a){std::cout << "operator= Called" << std::endl;}
   ~A() {std::cout << "DTor Called" << std::endl;}
   void Show(){std::cout << "Show Called" << std::endl;}

First I am able to create R & L value reference variables:

    A a;
    A& a1 = a;
    const A& a2 = A(); // Lvalue using Rvalue
   //But I am unable to create R refererence variable using an L value variable
    A&& ra = a; // Does not work
    A&& ra = A(); // works

So is it that R value reference variables can only be created by R values unlike L values which can be ceated using an R value

Now I wrote up below templates:

template <class T> void fooNoRef(T tmp){tmp.Show();}
template <class T> void fooLRef(T& tmp){tmp.Show();}
template <class T> void fooRRef(T&& tmp){tmp.Show();}

But I am unable to call fooRRef function template using R value reference variable:

int main()
    A a;
    A& a1 = a;
    const A& a2 = A();
    A&& ra = A();
    std::cout << "Calling fooNoRef Template Function" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Calling fooLRef Template Function" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Calling fooRRef Template Function With Lvalue" << std::endl;
    fooRRef<A>(ra); // Does not works??

So what are the concept of R and L reference variable and how to use them?

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