mardi 29 décembre 2020

C++ Override [] operator for an Array class

I have an array class, containing Point objects, stored in an array. A point object is described by coordinates x, y. I'm trying to override the [] operator, but it's not working: array2[0] = point1; // Not working: no operator "=" matches this operand, operand types are Array = point

class Array
    Point* m_data;
    int m_size;

    Array(); //default Constructor
    Array(int size); //argument constructor 
    Array(const Array &array); //copy constructor
    ~Array(); //destructor

    Array& operator = (const Array& source); // Assignment operator
    Point& operator[](int index); //class indexer for writing
    const Point& operator[] (int index) const; //class indexer for reading

    //Getter function
    int Size() const; //returns size 

    //Get element by index
    Point& GetElement(int i);

    void SetElement(const int index, const Point& element); //set element of array to a new point

    void Print(string msg);

//class indexer
Point& Array::operator [] (int index)
    return (index > m_size - 1) ? m_data[0] : m_data[index];

const Point& Array::operator [] (int index) const
    return (index > m_size - 1) ? m_data[0] : m_data[index];

int main()
  //instantiate an array of two elements size
    Array* array1 = new Array(2);
    Point point0(0, 0); //instantiate a point with coordinates x, y
    Point point1(1, 1); 
    array1->SetElement(0, point0); //set the first element of array1 to point0
    array1->SetElement(1, point1);
    Array* array2 = new Array(2);
    Point point2(2, 2); //instantiate a point with coordinates x, y
    Point point3(3, 3);
    array2->SetElement(0, point2); //set the first element of array1 to point2
    array2->SetElement(1, point3);
    array2[0] = point1;  // Not working: no operator "=" matches this operand, operand types are Array = point
  return 0;

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