mercredi 23 décembre 2020

The default constructor cannot be referenced

I am making a school project and I need to create a library system with bidirectional list and structures. I want to implement constructors to make my code more clear. The problem shows up when i want to creacte struct for bidirectional list and reserve memory space for list element using new list_of_books. The error msg I am getting is no matching function call to Book::Book() and the default constructor of "list_of_books" cannot be referenced -- it is deleted function. What does it mean and how can I fix that?

struct User {
  std::string name;
  std::string surname;
  User(std::string name, std::string surname) 
    : name(name), surname(surname) {}

struct Date {
  int day;
  int month;
  int year;
  Date(int day, int month, int year) 
    : day(day), month(month), year(year) {}

struct Book {
  int id;
  std::string title;
  struct User author;
  std::string cathegory;
  struct Date hire_date;
  struct User reader;
  std::string others;
  Book(int id, std::string title, std::string nameA, std::string surnameA, std::string cathegory, int day, int month, int year, std::string nameR, std::string surnameR, std::string others) 
    : id(id), title(title), author(nameA, surnameA), cathegory(cathegory), hire_date(day, month, year), reader(nameR, surnameR), others(others) {}

struct list_of_books {
  struct Book book;
  list_of_books* next;
  list_of_books* prev;

void push(Book data) {
  if (head == NULL) {
    list_of_books* element = new list_of_books;
    element->book = data;
    element->prev = NULL;
    element->next = NULL;
    head = element;
  } else {
    list_of_books* curr = head;

    while(curr->next != NULL) {
      curr = curr->next;

    list_of_books* element = new list_of_books;
    element->book = data;
    element->prev = curr;
    element->next = NULL;
    curr->next = element;

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