I drafted the code to find out the index of a value with type V in a tuple elements. Generally, the code works, but the perfect forward for the Tuple seems not to work. Please reference to the last two commented lines in the main function.
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <cxxabi.h>
template<int ...INDEX>
struct Sequence
template<int N, int ...MORE>
struct MkSequence
using type = typename MkSequence<N-1, N-1, MORE...>::type;
template<int ... LEFT>
struct MkSequence<0, LEFT...>
using type = Sequence<LEFT...>;
template<typename Tuple, int I, typename V>
bool equal(Tuple &&t, V&& v, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename std::tuple_element<I,Tuple>::type, V>::value >::type* = nullptr)
return std::get<I>(std::forward<Tuple>(t)) == std::forward<V>(v);
template<typename Tuple, int I, typename V>
bool equal(Tuple &&t, V&& v, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<typename std::tuple_element<I,Tuple>::type, V>::value>::type* = nullptr)
return false;
template<typename Tuple, typename V, int ...I>
int tupleIndexOfWithSeq(Tuple &&t, V&& v, Sequence<I...>)
bool list[] = {(equal<Tuple,I,V>(std::forward<Tuple>(t),std::forward<V>(v)))...};
int i = 0;
for(auto v: list)
if(v) return i;
return -1;
template<typename Tuple, typename V>
int tupleIndexOf(Tuple &&t, V&& v)
return tupleIndexOfWithSeq(std::forward<Tuple>(t), std::forward<V>(v), typename MkSequence<std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>::type{});
int main()
using TP = std::tuple<int, std::string>;
TP t(1, "hello");
std::string str="hello";
std::cout<<tupleIndexOf(TP(1, "hello"), str)<<std::endl;
//Why the following calling of tupleIndexOf does not compile:
//std::cout<<tupleIndexOf(t, str)<<std::endl;
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