mardi 30 août 2016

Template type-deduction performs implicit array-to-pointer conversion

I've read existing questions about this standard conversion. However, I didn't find a satisfying answer.

I have this piece of code which shows that the T* overload is chosen over the T&& one. From what I understood, the forwarding reference overload should bind everything, unless another overload is a perfect match.

In the following code, tab is a char const(&)[4].

Could someone explain to me why the array-to-pointer conversion is performed here? And if there is a way to workaround that conversion, I'm all ears!

(coliru link)

#include <utility>

template <typename T>
void f(T&& lol)

template <typename T>
void f(T* pof)
  static_assert(sizeof(T) && false, "");

template <typename T>
struct S;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  decltype("lol") tab = "lol";
  S<decltype(tab)> s;
  return 0;

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