mardi 30 août 2016

What is the name of this unusual C++ template feature used by Boost.Spirit?

The code below is from the Boost.Spirit x3 documentation. It uses an interesting C++ syntax that I've never seen before, which is nearly impossible to describe in a search query without knowing the proper terminology. Is this shorthand for the forward declaration of a class? Where is this feature mentioned in the C++ standard?

namespace parser
    using x3::eps;
    using x3::lit;
    using x3::_val;
    using x3::_attr;
    using ascii::char_;

    auto set_zero = [&](auto& ctx){ _val(ctx) = 0; };
    auto add1000 = [&](auto& ctx){ _val(ctx) += 1000; };
    auto add = [&](auto& ctx){ _val(ctx) += _attr(ctx); };

    // What is this? This is the very first use of the identifier `roman`.
    x3::rule<class roman, unsigned> const roman = "roman";
    //       ^^^^^^^^^^^

    auto const roman_def =
        eps                 [set_zero]
            -(+lit('M')     [add1000])
            >>  -hundreds   [add]
            >>  -tens       [add]
            >>  -ones       [add]


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