jeudi 3 décembre 2020

C++ singleton implementation with splitted declaration and definition of the singleton class

Singleton implementation I have seen use the following code (reference):

// MySingleton.hpp
class MySingleton{
  static MySingleton& getInstance(){
    static MySingleton instance;
    return instance;

  MySingleton()= default;
  ~MySingleton()= default;
  MySingleton(const MySingleton&)= delete;
  MySingleton& operator=(const MySingleton&)= delete;

I would like to know if it is possible to split the declaration and the definition of MySingleton like this:

// MySingleton.hpp
class MySingleton{
  static MySingleton& getInstance();

  MySingleton()= default;
  ~MySingleton()= default;
  MySingleton(const MySingleton&)= delete;
  MySingleton& operator=(const MySingleton&)= delete;
// MySingleton.cpp
MySingleton& MySingleton::getInstance(){
  static MySingleton instance;
  return instance;

Other C++ singleton implementations I have seen use static pointer member variable, so I am wondering if having static MySingleton instance; in the cpp file is still correct?

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